3.5. Project Options: Index table

Use this section to customize the appearance of the index tables (table with thumbnail images linked to full-size ones).

Table size part is used to set the number of rows and columns. If the number of images exceeds the resulting number of cells several index pages will be created. If you want all thumbnails to be placed on a single page, mark Single page checkbox. The number of columns will remain unchanged, but the number of rows will be increased up to the necessary limit.

Layout part contains two parameters: Cell spacing defines the number of pixels between adjacent cells. Cell padding defines the width of margin inside each cell (between the cell border and its content).

Borders part defines thickness and appearance of the table outer border. Border width is thickness of border in pixels. Flat borders checkbox may be used to customize the style of border lines (flat or 3D ). Border color - applies only to flat borders (3D borders are always gray).

Background part lets you select a background image for your gallery or specify a background color (default background color depends on the style you have selected).

Next step: 3.6. Index pages